API Reference


The Spotify API wrapper client itself.

You can start a client in a context using the async with statement, see below. Do note the client calls Client.authenticate() itself, so you don’t have to do this.

async with asyncspotify.Client(auth) as sp:
        # your code here

Otherwise, you would start a client like this:

sp = asyncspotify.Client(auth)
await sp.authenticate()

# your code here..

# close the client session before you exit
await sp.close()
class asyncspotify.Client(auth)[source]

Client interface for the API.

This is the class you should be interfacing with when fetching Spotify objects.

auth: Authenticator
Authenticator instance used for authenticating with the API.

Creates a Spotify Client instance.

Parameters:auth – Instance of Authenticator

Tell the authenticator to authorize this client.


Close this client session.

create_playlist(user, name, public=False, collaborative=False, description=None) → asyncspotify.playlist.FullPlaylist[source]

Create a new playlist.

  • userUser instance or Spotify ID.
  • name (str) – Name of the new playlist.
  • description (str) – Description of the new playlist.
  • public (bool) – Whether the playlist should be public.
  • collaborative (bool) – Whether the playlist should be collaborative (anyone can edit it).

A FullPlaylist instance.

edit_playlist(playlist, name=None, description=None, public=None, collaborative=None)[source]

Edit a playlist.

  • playlistPlaylist instance or Spotify ID.
  • name (str) – New name of the playlist.
  • description (str) – New description of the playlist.
  • public (bool) – New public state of the playlist.
  • collaborative (bool) – New collaborative state of the playlist.
following(type, *ids, limit=None, after=None)[source]

Follow artists or users.

  • type (str) – The ID type: either artist or user.
  • ids (str) – Spotify ID of the artist or the user.
  • limit – Maximum number of items to return.
  • after – The last artist ID retrieved from the previous request.
get_album(album_id, market=None) → asyncspotify.album.FullAlbum[source]

Get an album.

  • album_id (str) – Spotify ID of album.
  • marketISO-3166-1 country code.

FullAlbum instance.

get_album_tracks(album, limit=20, offset=None, market=None) → List[asyncspotify.track.SimpleTrack][source]

Get tracks from an album.

  • albumAlbum or Spotify ID of album.
  • limit – How many tracks to fetch.
  • offset – What pagination offset to start from.
  • marketISO-3166-1 country code.


get_albums(*album_ids, market=None) → List[asyncspotify.album.FullAlbum][source]

Get several albums.

  • album_ids (str) – Spotify ID of album.
  • marketISO-3166-1 country code.


get_artist(artist_id) → asyncspotify.artist.FullArtist[source]

Get an artist.

Parameters:artist_id (str) – Spotify ID of artist.
Returns:FullArtist instance.
get_artist_albums(artist_id, limit=20, include_groups=None, country=None, offset=None) → List[asyncspotify.album.SimpleAlbum][source]

Get an artist’s albums.


This endpoint does not return the track objects for each album. If you need those, you have to fetch them manually afterwards.

  • artist_id (str) – Spotify ID of artist.
  • limit (int) – How many albums to return.
  • kwargs – other query params for this method


Get an artists related artists.

Parameters:artistArtist or Spotify ID.
Returns:A list of maximum 20 FullArtist instances.
get_artist_top_tracks(artist, market=None) → List[asyncspotify.track.FullTrack][source]

Returns the top tracks for an artist.

  • artistArtist instance or Spotify ID.
  • marketISO-3166-1 country code. Leave blank to let the library auto-resolve this.

A list of maximum 10 FullTrack instances.

get_artists(*artist_ids) → List[asyncspotify.artist.FullArtist][source]

Get several artists.

Parameters:artist_ids – List of artist Spotify IDs.
get_audio_analysis(track) → asyncspotify.audioanalysis.AudioAnalysis[source]

Get Audio Analysis of a track.

Parameters:trackTrack instance or Spotify ID.
get_audio_features(track) → asyncspotify.audiofeatures.AudioFeatures[source]

Get Audio Features of a track.

Parameters:trackTrack instance or Spotify ID.
get_audio_features_multiple_tracks(*tracks) → List[asyncspotify.audiofeatures.AudioFeatures][source]

Get Audio Features for multiple tracks.

Parameters:tracks (str) – Track or a comma seperated list of Spotify IDs
get_devices() → List[asyncspotify.device.Device][source]

Get a list of user devices.

Returns:A list of maximum 20 devices.
get_followed_artists(limit=20, after=None) → List[asyncspotify.artist.SimpleArtist][source]

Get user’s followed artists

  • limit (int) – The maximum number of items to return. Default - infinity
  • after – What artist ID to start the fetching from.


get_me() → asyncspotify.user.PrivateUser[source]

Gets the current user.

Returns:A PrivateUser instance of the current user.
get_me_top_artists(limit=20, offset=0, time_range='medium_term') → List[asyncspotify.artist.SimpleArtist][source]

Get the top artists of the current user.

  • limit (int) – How many artists to return. Maximum is 50.
  • offset (int) – The index of the first result to return.
  • time_range (str) – The time period for which data are selected to form a top.
Valid values for time_range
  • long_term (calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available),
  • medium_term (approximately last 6 months),
  • short_term (approximately last 4 weeks).
get_me_top_tracks(limit=20, offset=None, time_range=None) → List[asyncspotify.track.SimpleTrack][source]

Gets the top tracks of the current user.

Requires scope user-top-read.

  • limit (int) – How many tracks to return. Maximum is 50.
  • offset (int) – The index of the first result to return.
  • time_range (str) – The time period for which data are selected to form a top.
Valid values for time_range
  • long_term (calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available),
  • medium_term (approximately last 6 months),
  • short_term (approximately last 4 weeks).
get_player(**kwargs) → asyncspotify.playing.CurrentlyPlayingContext[source]

Get a context for what user is currently playing.

Parameters:kwargs – query params for this request
get_playlist(playlist_id) → asyncspotify.playlist.FullPlaylist[source]

Get a pre-existing playlist.

Parameters:playlist_id (str) – Spotify ID of the playlist.
Returns:FullPlaylist instance.
get_playlist_tracks(playlist) → List[asyncspotify.track.PlaylistTrack][source]

Get tracks from a playlist.

Parameters:playlistPlaylist instance or Spotify ID.
get_track(track_id) → asyncspotify.track.FullTrack[source]

Get a track.

Parameters:track_id (str) – Spotify ID of track.
Returns:FullTrack instance.
get_tracks(*track_ids) → List[asyncspotify.track.FullTrack][source]

Get several tracks.

Parameters:track_ids (str) – List of track Spotify IDs.
get_user(user_id) → asyncspotify.user.PublicUser[source]

Get a user.

Parameters:user_id (str) – Spotify ID of user.
Returns:A PublicUser instance.
get_user_playlists(user) → List[asyncspotify.playlist.SimplePlaylist][source]

Get a list of attainable playlists a user owns.

Parameters:userUser instance or Spotify ID.

Skip to the next track in a player.

Parameters:deviceDevice or Spotify ID.

Stop playback on a device.

Parameters:deviceDevice or Spotify ID.
player_play(device=None, **kwargs)[source]

Start playback on device.

  • deviceDevice or Spotify ID.
  • kwargs – body params of the request.



Play the previous track.

Parameters:deviceDevice or Spotify ID.
player_repeat(state, device=None)[source]

Set player repeat mode.

  • state (str) – Can be ‘track’, ‘context’ or ‘off’.
  • deviceDevice or Spotify ID.
player_seek(time, device=None)[source]

Seek to a point in the currently playing track.

  • time – timedelta object or milliseconds (integer)
  • deviceDevice or Spotify ID.
player_shuffle(state, device=None)[source]

Set player shuffle mode.

  • state (bool) – Shuffle mode state.
  • deviceDevice or Spotify ID.
player_volume(volume, device=None)[source]

Set player volume.

  • volume (int) – Value from 0 to 100.
  • deviceDevice or Spotify ID.
playlist_add_tracks(playlist, *tracks, position=None)[source]

Add several tracks to a playlist.

  • playlistPlaylist instance or Spotify ID.
  • tracks – List of Spotify IDs or Track instance (or a mix).
  • position (int) – Position in the playlist to insert tracks.

Tell the authenticator to refresh this client, if applicable.

search(*types, q, limit=20, market=None, offset=None, include_external=None) → dict[source]

Searches for tracks, artists, albums and/or playlists.

  • types – One or more of the strings track, album, artist, playlist or the class equivalents.
  • q (str) – The search query. See Spotifys’ query construction guide here.
  • limit (int) – How many results of each type to return.
  • marketISO-3166-1 country code or the string from_token.
  • offset – Where to start the pagination.
  • include_external – If this is equal to audio, the specified the response will include any relevant audio content that is hosted externally.

A dict with a key for each type, whose values are a list of instances.

search_album(q=None) → asyncspotify.album.SimpleAlbum[source]

Returns the top album for the query.

search_albums(q, limit=20, market=None, offset=None, include_external=None) → List[asyncspotify.album.SimpleAlbum][source]

Alias for Client.search('album', ...)

search_artist(q=None) → asyncspotify.artist.FullArtist[source]

Returns the top artist for the query.

Returns:SimpleArtist or None
search_artists(q, limit=20, market=None, offset=None, include_external=None) → List[asyncspotify.artist.FullArtist][source]

Alias for Client.search('artist, ...)

search_playlist(q=None) → asyncspotify.playlist.SimplePlaylist[source]

Returns the top playlist for the query.

search_playlists(q, limit=20, market=None, offset=None, include_external=None) → List[asyncspotify.playlist.SimplePlaylist][source]

Alias for Client.search('playlist', ...)

search_track(q=None) → asyncspotify.track.SimpleTrack[source]

Returns the top track for the query.

Returns:SimpleTrack or None
search_tracks(q, limit=20, market=None, offset=None, include_external=None) → List[asyncspotify.track.SimpleTrack][source]

Alias for Client.search('track', ...)


Spotify Objects


None of these objects should be instantiated manually. They are returned by convenience methods in Client.

class asyncspotify.SpotifyObject(client, data)[source]

Represents a generic Spotify Object.

id: str
Spotify ID of the object.
name: str
Name of the object.
uri: str
Spotify URI of the object.


class asyncspotify.SimpleTrack(client, data)[source]

Represents a Track object.

id: str
Spotify ID of the track.
name: str
Name of the track.
artists: List[Artist]
List of artists that appear on the track.
images: List[Image]
List of associated images, such as album cover in different sizes.
uri: str
Spotify URI of the album.
link: str
Spotify URL of the album.
type: str
Plaintext string of object type: track.
available_markets: List[str] or None
Markets where the album is available in ISO-3166-1 form.
disc_number: int
What disc the track appears on. Usually 1 unless there are several discs in the album.
duration: timedelta
timedelta instance representing the length of the track.
explicit: bool
Whether the track is explicit or not.
external_urls: dict
Dictionary that maps type to url.
is_playable: bool
linked_from: LinkedTrack
restrictions: restrictions object
preview_url: str
An URL to a 30 second preview (MP3) of the track.
track_number: int
The number of the track on the album.
is_local: bool
Whether the track is from a local file.
audio_analysis() → asyncspotify.audioanalysis.AudioAnalysis

Get ‘Audio Analysis’ of the track.

Parameters:trackTrack instance or Spotify ID of track.
audio_features() → asyncspotify.audiofeatures.AudioFeatures

Get ‘Audio Features’ of the track.

Parameters:trackTrack instance or Spotify ID of track.

Check if track is available in a market.

Parameters:marketISO-3166-1 value.
class asyncspotify.FullTrack(client, data)[source]

Represents a complete Track object.

This type has some additional attributes not existent in SimpleTrack.

album: SimpleAlbum
An instance of the album the track appears on.
popularity: int
An indicator of the popularity of the track, 0 being least popular and 100 being the most.
external_ids: dict
Dictionary of external IDs.
class asyncspotify.PlaylistTrack(client, data)[source]

Represents a Track object originating from a playlist.

This type has some additional attributes not existent in SimpleTrack or FullTrack.

added_at: datetime
Indicates when the track was added to the playlist.
added_by: User object
Indicates who added the track to the playlist. The information provided from the API is not enough to instantiate a PublicUser object, so it’s a plain copy of the returned json object.


class asyncspotify.SimpleArtist(client, data)[source]

Represents an Artist object.

id: str
Spotify ID of the artist.
name: str
Name of the artist.
uri: str
Spotify URI of the artist.
link: str
Spotify URL of the artist.
external_urls: dict
Dictionary that maps type to url.
albums(limit=20, include_groups=None, country=None, offset=None)

Get artists albums


Get related artists. Maximum of 20 artists.


Returns this artists top tracks.

Parameters:market – Market to find tracks for. Auto-resolved by the library if left blank.
class asyncspotify.FullArtist(client, data)[source]

Represents a complete Artist object.

This type has some additional attributes not existent in SimpleArtist.

follow_count: int
Follow count of the artist.
genres: List[str]
Genres associated with the artist.
popularity: int
An indicator of the popularity of the track, 0 being least popular and 100 being the most.
images: List[Image]
List of associated images.


class asyncspotify.SimplePlaylist(client, data)[source]

Represents a playlist object.


To iterate all tracks, you have to use the async for construct or fill the object with .fill() before iterating .tracks.

id: str
Spotify ID of the playlist.
name: str
Name of the playlist.
tracks: List[SimpleTrack]
All tracks in the playlist.
track_count: int
The expected track count as advertised by the last paging object. is_filled() can return True even if fewer tracks than this exists in tracks, since some fetched tracks from the API can be None for various reasons.
uri: str
Spotify URI of the playlist.
link: str
Spotify URL of the playlist.
snapshot_id: str
Spotify ID of the current playlist snapshot. Read about snapshots here.
collaborative: bool
Whether the playlist is collaborative.
public: bool
Whether the playlist is public.
owner: PublicUser
Owner of the playlist.
external_urls: dict
Dictionary that maps type to url.
images: List[Image]
List of associated images.
async for track in playlist

Create a pager and iterate all tracks in this object. Also updates the tracks cache (same as calling fill()).

add_track(track, position=None)

Add a track to the playlist.

  • track – Spotify ID or Track instance.
  • position (int) – Position in the playlist to insert tracks.
add_tracks(*tracks, position=None)

Add several tracks to the playlist.

  • tracks – Several Spotify IDs or Track instances (or a mix).
  • position (int) – Position in the playlist to insert tracks.
edit(name=None, public=None, collaborative=None, description=None)

Edit the playlist.

  • name (str) – New name of the playlist.
  • description (str) – New description of the playlist.
  • public (bool) – New public state of the playlist.
  • collaborative (bool) – New collaborative state of the playlist.

Update this objects tracks cache.


Check if this object has a track.


Whether this object contains as many tracks as advertised by the previous pager.

class asyncspotify.FullPlaylist(client, data)[source]

Represents a complete playlist object.

This type has some additional attributes not existent in SimplePlaylist.

description: str
Description of the playlist, as set by the owner.
primary_color: str
Primary color of the playlist, for aesthetic purposes.
follower_count: int
Follower count of the playlist.


class asyncspotify.SimpleAlbum(client, data)[source]

Represents an Album object.


To iterate all tracks, you have to use the async for construct or fill the object with .fill() before iterating .tracks.

id: str
Spotify ID of the album.
name: str
Name of the album.
tracks: List[Track]
List of tracks on the album.
artists: List[Artist]
List of artists that appear on the album.
images: List[Image]
List of associated images, such as album cover in different sizes.
track_count: int
The expected track count as advertised by the last paging object. is_filled() can return True even if fewer tracks than this exists in tracks, since some fetched tracks from the API can be None for various reasons.
uri: str
Spotify URI of the album.
link: str
Spotify URL of the album.
type: str
Plaintext string of object type: album.
Type of album, e.g. album, single or compilation.
available_markets: List[str] or None
Markets where the album is available: ISO-3166-1.
external_urls: dict
Dictionary that maps type to url.
release_date: datetime
Date (and maybe time) of album release.
release_date_precision: str
Precision of release_date. Can be year, month, or day.
album_group: str or None
Type of album, e.g. album, single, compilation or appears_on.
async for track in album

Create a pager and iterate all tracks in this object. Also updates the tracks cache (same as calling fill()).


Update this objects tracks cache.


Check if this object has a track.


Whether this object contains as many tracks as advertised by the previous pager.

class asyncspotify.FullAlbum(client, data)[source]

Represents a complete Album object.

This type has some additional attributes not existent in SimpleAlbum.

genres: List[str]
List of genres associated with the album.
label: str
The label for the album.
popularity: int
An indicator of the popularity of the album, 0 being least popular and 100 being the most.
copyrights: dict
List of copyright objects.
external_ids: dict
Dictionary of external IDs.

Audio Features

class asyncspotify.AudioFeatures(client, data)[source]

Represents an Audio Features object.

id: str
The Spotify ID of the track.
uri: str
Spotify URI of the album.
analysis_url: str
An HTTP URL to access the full audio analysis of this track.
track_href: str
A link to the Web API endpoint providing full details of the track.
duration: timedelta
The duration of the track.
key: int
The estimated overall key of the track.
mode: int
Mode indicates the modality (major or minor) of a track, the type of scale from which its melodic content is derived.
time_signature: int
An estimated overall time signature of a track.
acousticness: float
A confidence measure from 0.0 to 1.0 of whether the track is acoustic.
danceability: float
A measure of how suitable the track is for dancing.
energy: float
Energy is a measure from 0.0 to 1.0 and represents a perceptual measure of intensity and activity.
instrumentalness: float
Predicts whether a track contains no vocals.
liveness: float
Detects the presence of an audience in the recording.
loudness: float
The overall loudness of a track in decibels (dB).
speechiness: float
Speechiness detects the presence of spoken words in a track.
valence: float
A measure from 0.0 to 1.0 describing the musical positiveness conveyed by a track.
tempo: float
The overall estimated tempo of a track in beats per minute (BPM).

Audio Analysis

class asyncspotify.AudioAnalysis(client, data)[source]

Represents an Audio Analysis object.

This page only skims the details on this object. Please read the official Spotify documentation here.

bars: List[TimeInterval]
The time intervals of the bars throughout the track. A bar (or measure) is a segment of time defined as a given number of beats.
beats: List[TimeInterval]
The time intervals of beats throughout the track. A beat is the basic time unit of a piece of music; for example, each tick of a metronome.
sections: List[Section]
List of sections of the track. Sections are defined by large variations in rhythm or timbre, e.g. chorus, verse, bridge, guitar solo, etc.
segments: List[Segment]
List of audio segments of the track. Audio segments attempts to subdivide a song into many segments, with each segment containing a roughly consistent sound throughout its duration.
tatums: List[TimeInterval]
The time intervals of tatums throughout the track. A tatum represents the lowest regular pulse train that a listener intuitively infers from the timing of perceived musical events (segments).


class asyncspotify.Image(data)[source]

Represents an image.

url: str
URL of the image.
width: int
Width of the image
height: int
Height of the image.


class asyncspotify.PublicUser(client, data)[source]

Represents a User object.

id: str
Spotify ID of the user.
name: str
Name of the user. Also aliased to the display_name attribute.
images: List[Image]
List of associated images, such as the users profile picture.
uri: str
Spotify URI of the user.
link: str
Spotify URL of the user.
follower_count: int or None
Follower count of the user.
external_urls: dict
Dictionary that maps type to url.

Get the users playlists.

Alias of Client.get_user_playlists()

class asyncspotify.PrivateUser(client, data)[source]

Represents a private User object, usually fetched through the me endpoint.

This type has some additional attributes not existent in PublicUser.

country: str
ISO-3166-1 code of users country.
email: str
Email of user. Please do not this email is note necessarily verified by Spotify.
product: str
Users Spotify subscription level, could be free, open or premium. free and open are synonyms.
create_playlist(name, public=False, collaborative=False, description=None)[source]

Create a new playlist.

  • name (str) – Name of the new playlist.
  • description (str) – Description of the new playlist.
  • public (bool) – Whether the playlist should be public.
  • collaborative (bool) – Whether the playlist should be collaborative (anyone can edit it).

A FullPlaylist instance.


Get the users playlists.

Alias of Client.get_user_playlists()

top_artists(limit=20, offset=None, time_range=None)[source]

Get the top artists of the current user.

  • limit (int) – How many artists to return. Maximum is 50.
  • offset (int) – The index of the first result to return.
  • time_range (str) – The time period for which data are selected to form a top.
Valid values for time_range
  • long_term (calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available),
  • medium_term (approximately last 6 months),
  • short_term (approximately last 4 weeks).
top_tracks(limit=20, offset=None, time_range=None)[source]

Gets the top tracks of the current user.

Requires scope user-top-read.

  • limit (int) – How many tracks to return. Maximum is 50.
  • offset (int) – The index of the first result to return.
  • time_range (str) – The time period for which data are selected to form a top.
Valid values for time_range
  • long_term (calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available),
  • medium_term (approximately last 6 months),
  • short_term (approximately last 4 weeks).

Playing Objects

class asyncspotify.CurrentlyPlaying(client, data)[source]

Represents a Currently Playing object.

timestamp: datetime
When the object information was created by the Spotify API.
progress: timedelta
How far into the current track the player is.
is_playing: bool
Whether the track is playing or not.
track: Track
What track is currently playing, can be None
currently_playing_type: str
What is currently playing, can be track, episode, ad or unknown.
class asyncspotify.CurrentlyPlayingContext(client, data)[source]

Represents a Player object, extends CurrentlyPlaying

This type has some additional attributes not existent in CurrentlyPlaying.

device: Device
What device is owns this context.
repeat_state: str
The repeat state of the player. Can be off, track or context.
shuffe_state: bool
The shuffle state of the player. Can be True or False.

Skips to the next track.


Pauses playback.


Starts playback.

Parameters:kwargs – Body parameters of the request.

Goes to the previous track.


Set player repeat mode.

Parameters:state (str) – Can be ‘track’, ‘context’ or ‘off’.

Seeks to a specified time in the current track.

Parameters:time – timedelta object or milliseconds (integer)

Set player shuffle mode.

Parameters:state (bool) – Shuffle mode state.

Set player volume.

Parameters:volume (int) – Value from 0 to 100.


class asyncspotify.Device(client, data)[source]

Represents a Device object.

is_active: bool
Whether this device is currently the active device.
is_private_session: bool
If the device session is private.
is_restricted: bool
Whether controlling this device is restricted. If this is true, no API commands will work on it.
name: str
Name of this device.
type: str
Equal to device.
volume_percent: int
Volume of this device. Integer between 0 to 100.


A guide on how authentication works is located here.

Examples can also be found under the quickstart guide.


You do not have to worry about when your access token expires as the library will refresh the tokens automatically. Unless you’re rolling your own authenticator, obviously.


Only requires a client id and secret to authenticate. Does not give access to private resources. No refresh token is used here. To extend, it simply authorizes again.

class asyncspotify.ClientCredentialsFlow(client_id, client_secret, response_class=<class 'asyncspotify.oauth.response.AuthenticationResponse'>)[source]

Implements the Client Credentials flow.

You can only access public resources using this authenticator.


Authorize using this authenticator.


Refresh this authenticator.


Extends AuthorizationCodeFlow and requires one extra argument, storage, which tells the authenticator which file to store tokens in.

class asyncspotify.EasyAuthorizationCodeFlow(client_id, client_secret, scope=<Scope value=0>, storage='secret.json', response_class=<class 'asyncspotify.oauth.response.AuthorizationCodeFlowResponse'>)[source]

Authorize the client. Reads from the file specificed by store.


Craft the Route for the user to use for authorizing the client.


Extract the authorization code from the redirect uri.


Refresh this authenticator.


Exposes helper methods for implementing a version of the Authorization Code flow. EasyAuthorizationCodeFlow inherits from this and is recommended for most if access to private resources is required.

class asyncspotify.AuthorizationCodeFlow(client_id, client_secret, scope, redirect_uri, response_class=<class 'asyncspotify.oauth.response.AuthorizationCodeFlowResponse'>)[source]

Implements the Authorization Code flow.


This class is not for general use, please use EasyAuthorizationCodeFlow or subclass this and implement your own load(), store(response) and setup() methods.

client_id: str
Your application client id.
client_secret: str
Your application client secret.
scope: Scope
The scope you’re requesting.
redirect_uri: str
Where the user will be redirected to after accepting the client.
The type that is expected to be returned from load() and setup(), and is passed to store(response) when a token refresh happens. Should be AuthorizationCodeFlowResponse or inherit from it.

Craft the Route for the user to use for authorizing the client.


Extract the authorization code from the redirect uri.


Authorize the client. Reads from the file specificed by store.


Refresh this authenticator.


You can create a scope with specific permissions by passing kwargs in, like:

scope = Scope(
class asyncspotify.Scope(value=0, **kwargs)[source]

Flags representing Spotify scopes.

Write access to user-provided images.
Write access to a user’s playback state.
Read access to a user’s player state.
Read access to a user’s currently playing content.
Read access to a user’s top artists and tracks.
Read access to a user’s playback position in a content.
Read access to a user’s recently played tracks.
Write/delete access to a user’s “Your Music” library.
Read access to a user’s “Your Music” library.
Write/delete access to the list of artists and other users that the user follows.
Read access to the list of artists and other users that the user follows.
Read access to user’s private playlists.
Write access to a user’s public playlists.
Write access to a user’s private playlists.
Include collaborative playlists when requesting a user’s playlists.
Read access to user’s subscription details (type of user account).
Read access to user’s email address.
Remote control playback of Spotify. This scope is currently available to Spotify iOS and Android SDKs.
Control playback of a Spotify track. This scope is currently available to the Web Playback SDK. The user must have a Spotify Premium account.

Return Scope with all scopes enabled.


Return Scope with no scopes enabled.


Get a string representation of the enabled scopes. Used when authenticating.


class asyncspotify.SpotifyException[source]

Base exception of all exceptions thrown by this library.

class asyncspotify.HTTPException(response, message=None)[source]

Bases: asyncspotify.exceptions.SpotifyException

Base exception of all HTTP related exceptions.

response: aiohttp.ClientResponse
The response of the failed HTTP request.
message: Optional[str]
Message about what went wrong.
class asyncspotify.BadRequest(response, message=None)[source]

Bases: asyncspotify.exceptions.HTTPException

400 Bad Request

Base class for all 4xx status code exceptions.

class asyncspotify.Unauthorized(response, message=None)[source]

Bases: asyncspotify.exceptions.BadRequest

401 Unauthorized

class asyncspotify.Forbidden(response, message=None)[source]

Bases: asyncspotify.exceptions.BadRequest

403 Forbidden

class asyncspotify.NotFound(response, message=None)[source]

Bases: asyncspotify.exceptions.BadRequest

404 Not Found

class asyncspotify.NotAllowed(response, message=None)[source]

Bases: asyncspotify.exceptions.BadRequest

405 Method Not Allowed


asyncspotify.utils.get(items, **kwargs)[source]

Get an item from a list of items.

  • items – List or iterator containing Object s
  • kwargs – kwargs that should match with the objects attributes.

First item that matched.

asyncspotify.utils.find(items, **kwargs)[source]

Same as get() except it returns a list of all matching items.

  • items – List or iterator containing Object
  • kwargs – kwargs that should match with the objects attributes.
