Source code for asyncspotify.scope

from .flags import Flag, Flags

[docs]class Scope(Flags): ''' Flags representing Spotify scopes. ugc_image_upload Write access to user-provided images. user_modify_playback_state Write access to a user’s playback state. user_read_playback_state Read access to a user’s player state. user_read_currently_playing Read access to a user’s currently playing content. user_top_read Read access to a user's top artists and tracks. user_read_playback_position Read access to a user’s playback position in a content. user_read_recently_played Read access to a user’s recently played tracks. user_library_modify Write/delete access to a user's "Your Music" library. user_library_read Read access to a user's "Your Music" library. user_follow_modify Write/delete access to the list of artists and other users that the user follows. user_follow_read Read access to the list of artists and other users that the user follows. playlist_read_private Read access to user's private playlists. playlist_modify_public Write access to a user's public playlists. playlist_modify_private Write access to a user's private playlists. playlist_read_collaborative Include collaborative playlists when requesting a user's playlists. user_read_private Read access to user’s subscription details (type of user account). user_read_email Read access to user’s email address. app_remote_control Remote control playback of Spotify. This scope is currently available to Spotify iOS and Android SDKs. streaming Control playback of a Spotify track. This scope is currently available to the Web Playback SDK. The user must have a Spotify Premium account. ''' ugc_image_upload = Flag(0) user_modify_playback_state = Flag(1) user_read_playback_state = Flag(2) user_read_currently_playing = Flag(3) user_top_read = Flag(4) user_read_playback_position = Flag(5) user_read_recently_played = Flag(6) user_library_modify = Flag(7) user_library_read = Flag(8) user_follow_modify = Flag(9) user_follow_read = Flag(10) playlist_read_private = Flag(11) playlist_modify_public = Flag(12) playlist_modify_private = Flag(13) playlist_read_collaborative = Flag(14) user_read_private = Flag(15) user_read_email = Flag(16) app_remote_control = Flag(17) streaming = Flag(18)
[docs] def string(self): '''Get a string representation of the enabled scopes. Used when authenticating.''' return ' '.join(name.replace('_', '-') for name, value in self if value)