from .mixins import ExternalURLMixin, ImageMixin
from .object import SpotifyObject
class _BaseArtist(SpotifyObject, ExternalURLMixin):
_type = 'artist'
def __init__(self, client, data):
super().__init__(client, data)
ExternalURLMixin.__init__(self, data)
async def top_tracks(self, market=None):
Returns this artists top tracks.
:param market: Market to find tracks for. Auto-resolved by the library if left blank.
:return: List[:class:`FullTrack`]
return await self._client.get_artist_top_tracks(, market=market)
async def related_artists(self):
Get related artists. Maximum of 20 artists.
:return: List[:class:`FullArtist`]
return await self._client.get_artist_related_artists(
async def albums(self, limit=20, include_groups=None, country=None, offset=None):
Get artists albums
:return: List[:class:`SimpleAlbum`]
return await self._client.get_artist_albums(,
[docs]class SimpleArtist(_BaseArtist):
Represents an Artist object.
id: str
Spotify ID of the artist.
name: str
Name of the artist.
uri: str
Spotify URI of the artist.
link: str
Spotify URL of the artist.
external_urls: dict
Dictionary that maps type to url.
[docs]class FullArtist(_BaseArtist, ImageMixin):
Represents a complete Artist object.
This type has some additional attributes not existent in :class:`SimpleArtist`.
follow_count: int
Follow count of the artist.
genres: List[str]
Genres associated with the artist.
popularity: int
An indicator of the popularity of the track, 0 being least popular and 100 being the most.
images: List[:class:`Image`]
List of associated images.
def __init__(self, client, data):
super().__init__(client, data)
ImageMixin.__init__(self, data)
self.follower_count = data['followers']['total']
self.genres = data.pop('genres')
self.popularity = data.pop('popularity')