from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from .audioanalysis import AudioAnalysis
from .audiofeatures import AudioFeatures
from .mixins import ArtistMixin, ExternalIDMixin, ExternalURLMixin
from .object import SpotifyObject
class _BaseTrack(SpotifyObject, ExternalURLMixin, ArtistMixin):
_type = 'track'
def __init__(self, client, data):
super().__init__(client, data)
ExternalURLMixin.__init__(self, data)
ArtistMixin.__init__(self, data)
self.available_markets = data.pop('available_markets', None)
self.disc_number = data.pop('disc_number')
self.explicit = data.pop('explicit')
self.preview_url = data.pop('preview_url')
self.track_number = data.pop('track_number')
self.is_local = data.pop('is_local')
self.duration = timedelta(milliseconds=data.pop('duration_ms'))
def avaliable_in(self, market):
Check if track is available in a market.
:param market: ISO-3166-1_ value.
return market in self.available_markets
async def audio_features(self) -> AudioFeatures:
Get 'Audio Features' of the track.
:param track: :class:`Track` instance or Spotify ID of track.
:return: :class:`AudioFeatures`
return await self._client.get_audio_features(
async def audio_analysis(self) -> AudioAnalysis:
Get 'Audio Analysis' of the track.
:param track: :class:`Track` instance or Spotify ID of track.
:return: :class:`AudioAnalysis`
return await self._client.get_audio_analysis(
[docs]class SimpleTrack(_BaseTrack):
Represents a Track object.
id: str
Spotify ID of the track.
name: str
Name of the track.
artists: List[:class:`Artist`]
List of artists that appear on the track.
images: List[:class:`Image`]
List of associated images, such as album cover in different sizes.
uri: str
Spotify URI of the album.
link: str
Spotify URL of the album.
type: str
Plaintext string of object type: ``track``.
available_markets: List[str] or None
Markets where the album is available in ISO-3166-1_ form.
disc_number: int
What disc the track appears on. Usually ``1`` unless there are several discs in the album.
duration: `timedelta <>`_
timedelta instance representing the length of the track.
explicit: bool
Whether the track is explicit or not.
external_urls: dict
Dictionary that maps type to url.
is_playable: bool
linked_from: :class:`LinkedTrack`
restrictions: restrictions object
preview_url: str
An URL to a 30 second preview (MP3) of the track.
track_number: int
The number of the track on the album.
is_local: bool
Whether the track is from a local file.
[docs]class FullTrack(_BaseTrack, ExternalIDMixin):
Represents a complete Track object.
This type has some additional attributes not existent in :class:`SimpleTrack`.
album: :class:`SimpleAlbum`
An instance of the album the track appears on.
popularity: int
An indicator of the popularity of the track, 0 being least popular and 100 being the most.
external_ids: dict
Dictionary of external IDs.
def __init__(self, client, data):
super().__init__(client, data)
ExternalIDMixin.__init__(self, data)
self.popularity = data.pop('popularity')
from .album import SimpleAlbum
self.album = SimpleAlbum(client, data.pop('album'))
[docs]class PlaylistTrack(FullTrack):
Represents a Track object originating from a playlist.
This type has some additional attributes not existent in :class:`SimpleTrack` or :class:`FullTrack`.
added_at: `datetime <>`_
Indicates when the track was added to the playlist.
added_by: User object
Indicates who added the track to the playlist. The information provided from the API is not enough to instantiate a PublicUser object, so it's a plain copy of the returned json object.
def __init__(self, client, data):
super().__init__(client, data.pop('track'))
self.added_at = datetime.strptime(data.pop('added_at'), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
self.added_by = data.pop('added_by')